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Alicia Edwards
111 Places for Kids in London That You Shouldn't Miss
240 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-7408-2196-8
18,00 € [DE] 18,60 € [AT]
Erscheinungsdatum: 26. September 2024

Alicia Edwards

111 Places for Kids in London That You Shouldn't Miss

Travel Guide

Covering all 32 boroughs of inner and outer London, this book offers an eclectic mix of fun facts with unique things to do; leading you to rediscover London. You may have walked down the same street a hundred times and never noticed a certain something. This book will tell you why it's there and that just around the corner there is something great for kids! Aside from the obvious tourist attractions, did you know there's a man stuck in a clock? Or that dancing on a certain grave can make a beautiful tune? Do you know the best place for making sandcastles along the Thames? Or where to have breakfast with real London bus drivers?

18,00 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Dieser Artikel erscheint am 26. September 2024

Alicia Edwards

Born opposite Big Ben, London has always been Alicia's home. Spending countless mornings walking the streets of Central with her Grandad, growing up she got to learn every inch of the West End and its secret backstreets and shortcuts. Her love for the capital has never waned as London never remains the same; there is always something new to find and explore. Since having a child of her own, Alicia has rediscovered London in a whole new light and loves it even more!

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